Painting By Eman Hakim 22
Pastel on cardboard
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
18,500 18500.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Dowa Hattem 9
Mixed media on canvas
Dowa Hattem is an artist graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts, Mural Painting and Decoration Division. She has Master’s degree in Art entitled: (Color in the influence school and its use in computer animation). And PhD in Philosophy of Art. She has won more than 8 local awards.
16,500 16500.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Dowa Hattem 6
Acrylic On Canvas
Dowa Hattem is an artist graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts, Mural Painting and Decoration Division. She has Master’s degree in Art entitled: (Color in the influence school and its use in computer animation). And PhD in Philosophy of Art. She has won more than 8 local awards.
46,000 46000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Ahmed Sakr 8
Mixed media on canvas
Ahmed Sakr#8
Born in Menoufia Governorate, 1963. Graduated from the Graphic Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo, with honors. Professor & Head of the Graphic Department and Former elected Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Minya Obtained a mission to Germany from 1995 to 1997 to complete his PhD studies at the University of Erfurt - Germany. Studied lithography extensively at the same university and studied manual paper and its pulp. He has participated in many local & international arbitration committees. The most important of which is a founding member of the China Art Edition Association 2016
218,238 218238.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim 14
Oil on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
30,800 30800.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Mohamed AbdelGalil 3
Oil on canvas
48,000 48000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Mohamed Wahba 2
Mohamed Wahba#2
A comics artist who studied art in Japan, Korea and Fount Mohamed participated in many local and international exhibitions and festivals, like Storyboard festival in France, Storyboard salon in German, Urban painters in Russia & Comics week in Austrian Cultural Center in Egypt
61,115 61115.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Waleed Yassin 5
Oil On Canvas

"وليد ياسين، فنان تشكيلى من مواليد القاهرة 1961، عشق الفنون منذ نعومة أظافره، ودرس العمارة باعتبارها أم الفنون، ما نمى داخله النواحى الفنية سواء فى الرسم أو التصوير، إلى أن تخرج فى كلية الفنون الجميلة سنة 1983
هو الفنان الذي صور بفرشاته، بورتريهات، البسطاء في شوارع مصر المحروسة.
تلك الوجوه المبتسمة رغم المحن والصعاب فلا رفاهية عيش ولارغد حياة.
حتى حين صور بورتريهات المشاهير من الممثلين صورهم وهم يتقمصون دور هؤلاء الكادحين.
الفنان وليد ياسين فنان مصري عشق مصر فكان العشق مدادا لفرشاته نثره شوقا على صفحة اللوحات. مصري حتى النخاع جاب بنا النجوع والقري نتنشق معه عطر الوطن في لوحات ابداعية رائعة.
أجمل ما فى لوحات الفنان وليد ياسين أنها تعبر وتوثق للتنوع الذى تتمتع به مصر فى أزيائها ووجوه أبنائها وحياتهم البسيطة.
يرسم الفان وليد ياسين إما مباشرةً من الطبيعة، أو من الصور التى يقوم بتصويرها، فاللقطات التى بها حركة لا يمكن رسمها فى الحال، ويستعين بالصور لنقل التفاصيل، لكن فى كلتا الحالتين لا بد أن يعيش أجواء اللوحة على الطبيعة، للشعور بروح المكان والتفاصيل، فلا تكون علاقته باللوحة مجردة."
65,000 65000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Wagih Yassa 12

"المراحل الدراسية

- ليسانس كلية الآداب قسم اللغة الانجليزية جامعة القاهرة .


- عضو الجمعية الكندية للبورتريه .
-عضو الجمعية الكندية للألوان المائية .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- عضو فى مجلس تورنتو للتعليم ( تدريس الفنون الجميلة ) .
- عمل رساماً بمجلتى روزاليوسف، صباح الخير .

الأماكن التى عاش بها الفنان

- يعيش ما بين مصر وكندا ."
12,000 12000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Wagih Yassa 5
Oil Colors

"المراحل الدراسية

- ليسانس كلية الآداب قسم اللغة الانجليزية جامعة القاهرة .


- عضو الجمعية الكندية للبورتريه .
-عضو الجمعية الكندية للألوان المائية .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- عضو فى مجلس تورنتو للتعليم ( تدريس الفنون الجميلة ) .
- عمل رساماً بمجلتى روزاليوسف، صباح الخير .

الأماكن التى عاش بها الفنان

- يعيش ما بين مصر وكندا ."
30,000 30000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Mohamed AbdelGalil 4
Oil on canvas
48,000 48000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Waleed Yassin 6
Acrylic On Canvas

"وليد ياسين، فنان تشكيلى من مواليد القاهرة 1961، عشق الفنون منذ نعومة أظافره، ودرس العمارة باعتبارها أم الفنون، ما نمى داخله النواحى الفنية سواء فى الرسم أو التصوير، إلى أن تخرج فى كلية الفنون الجميلة سنة 1983
هو الفنان الذي صور بفرشاته، بورتريهات، البسطاء في شوارع مصر المحروسة.
تلك الوجوه المبتسمة رغم المحن والصعاب فلا رفاهية عيش ولارغد حياة.
حتى حين صور بورتريهات المشاهير من الممثلين صورهم وهم يتقمصون دور هؤلاء الكادحين.
الفنان وليد ياسين فنان مصري عشق مصر فكان العشق مدادا لفرشاته نثره شوقا على صفحة اللوحات. مصري حتى النخاع جاب بنا النجوع والقري نتنشق معه عطر الوطن في لوحات ابداعية رائعة.
أجمل ما فى لوحات الفنان وليد ياسين أنها تعبر وتوثق للتنوع الذى تتمتع به مصر فى أزيائها ووجوه أبنائها وحياتهم البسيطة.
يرسم الفان وليد ياسين إما مباشرةً من الطبيعة، أو من الصور التى يقوم بتصويرها، فاللقطات التى بها حركة لا يمكن رسمها فى الحال، ويستعين بالصور لنقل التفاصيل، لكن فى كلتا الحالتين لا بد أن يعيش أجواء اللوحة على الطبيعة، للشعور بروح المكان والتفاصيل، فلا تكون علاقته باللوحة مجردة."
75,000 75000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By May Hashmat 4

"المراحل الدراسية

- بكالوريوس كلية التربية الفنية جامعة حلوان 2001 .
- تمهيدى ماجستير - قسم النقد والتذوق الفنى .
- دراسات حرة بمعهد النقد بأكاديمية الفنون .


-عضو نقابة الفنانين التشكيليين .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- مديرة قاعة عرض لوحات.

المعارض الخاصة

- معرض ( رائحة البحر ) بجاليرى ( دروب ) بجاردن سيتى فبراير 2018.
- معرض ( أنشودة الفرح ) بجاليرى بيكاسو بالزمالك نوفمبر 2019.
- معرض ( دوائر البروج ) بجاليرى ( بيكاسو ) بالزمالك يناير 2022 ."
8,000 8000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim 10
Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
30,800 30800.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim 7
Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
38,500 38500.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Khaled Sorour 2
Acrylic on canvas
Dr. Khaled Sorour was born in Egypt. He has won many awards and scholarships. His works rely on two main sources, which are Egyptian daily life and Egyptian folklore, either the ancient Egyptian or Nubian. His main interest is the life of ordinary Egyptians, and his art works closely related to this life and to the Egyptian street as well.
231,000 231000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Khaled Sorour 3
Acrylic on canvas
Dr. Khaled Sorour was born in Egypt. He has won many awards and scholarships. His works rely on two main sources, which are Egyptian daily life and Egyptian folklore, either the ancient Egyptian or Nubian. His main interest is the life of ordinary Egyptians, and his art works closely related to this life and to the Egyptian street as well.
185,000 185000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Omar Abdelzaher 1
Oil on canvas

"المراحل الدراسية

- بكالوريوس كلية الفنون الجميلة قسم جرافيك شعبة التصميم المطبوع جامعة المنيا 1991 .
- دبلوم فى فن التصوير الزيتى من كلية الفنون الجميلة جامعة المنيا .
- دبلوم الدراسات العليا فى الجرافيك من كلية الفنون الجميلة جامعة حلوان 1994
- ماجستير من كلية الفنون الجميلة قسم الجرافيك شعبة التصميم المطبوع بعنوان ( أثر الفنون البدائية على فن الحفر المصرى ) جامعة حلوان 2000 .
- دكتوراه فى فلسفة الفن من كلية الفنون الجميلة بعنوان ( الموروث الشعبى وأثره على الطبعة الفنية المعاصرة فى مصر والعراق - دراسة مقارنة ) جامعة حلوان 2006 .


- عضو نقابة الفنانين التشكيليين .
- عضو أتيلييه القاهرة ."
400,000 400000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Wael Darweish 1
Acrylic on canvas & Oil Pastel& Gold leaf

"Wael Darwish
Professor of Painting and Drawing - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Cairo, Egypt.
Born in Cairo 1975, he graduated from the Faculty of Art Education with distinction and honors in
1998, and was appointed to the Department of Painting and Drawing, graduating in academic
positions until he reached the rank of Professor.
Wael Darwish has been practicing figurative art for more than 26 years of visual practice at the
local, regional and international levels, and the artist has held 23 personal exhibitions so far. The
artist has a track record of achievements at all professional, research, academic and international
exhibition levels, where he participated in more than 100 international exhibitions, and the artist
has received many awards at the local and international level. The artist's style varies between
figurative artwork, mixing materials, processed artworks in space and digital art, and his artworks
are a realistic study of the reaction of contemporary society towards all its issues and problems.
The human element is a pivotal basis in the construction of his artworks, and his artworks
represent the impact of the contemporary media culture on man and his social relations, which
linked all cultures to each other and affected human relations, and its effects on social and human
relations in particular, and his artworks form part of human memory and imagination mixed with
the components of globalization in sentences, vocabulary and treatments from (surrealism,
expressionism or symbolism) or all together for the human element as the focus of building the
artwork and the color combinations used are dramatic in nature combining mystery and
strangeness with artifacts."
150,000 150000.0 EGP EGP
Painting By Wael Darweish 2
Acrylic on canvas

"Wael Darwish
Professor of Painting and Drawing - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Cairo, Egypt.
Born in Cairo 1975, he graduated from the Faculty of Art Education with distinction and honors in
1998, and was appointed to the Department of Painting and Drawing, graduating in academic
positions until he reached the rank of Professor.
Wael Darwish has been practicing figurative art for more than 26 years of visual practice at the
local, regional and international levels, and the artist has held 23 personal exhibitions so far. The
artist has a track record of achievements at all professional, research, academic and international
exhibition levels, where he participated in more than 100 international exhibitions, and the artist
has received many awards at the local and international level. The artist's style varies between
figurative artwork, mixing materials, processed artworks in space and digital art, and his artworks
are a realistic study of the reaction of contemporary society towards all its issues and problems.
The human element is a pivotal basis in the construction of his artworks, and his artworks
represent the impact of the contemporary media culture on man and his social relations, which
linked all cultures to each other and affected human relations, and its effects on social and human
relations in particular, and his artworks form part of human memory and imagination mixed with
the components of globalization in sentences, vocabulary and treatments from (surrealism,
expressionism or symbolism) or all together for the human element as the focus of building the
artwork and the color combinations used are dramatic in nature combining mystery and
strangeness with artifacts."
130,000 130000.0 EGP EGP